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Civil Engineering Poetics

Two Million Ton Celebration

Inland Empire Regional Composting Authority

June 2, 2022

"Thanks again very much for the hard work and great poem you gave to our team. We appreciate you

and will always remember your contributions to our work and your memorializing it."


- Jeff Ziegenbein, IERCA Manager

Zephyr Addresses Directors of Sanitation Districts

February 28, 2018

Zephyr addresses the Board of Directors of the County Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County

on behalf of 450 colleagues who have unified against proposed wage and pension cuts.

From Siting to Permitting to Marketing - What Does It Take to Profitably

Construct and Operate A New Organics Facility in California?

November 1, 2017

2017 California Bioresources Alliance Symposium: Opening Panel, Moderated by Melissa Fischer, Board Member of the Association of Compost Producers. Learn from top experts  - regulators, academics, environmental and regional advocates, and facility operators - the opportunities, pitfalls, and challenges of developing and expanding organics management facilities in California. Presentation and extensive Q&A cover: composting facilities, anaerobic digesters, alternative fuel grid interconnection, incineration, net zero waste programs, feedstock contamination, permitting complexity and cost, air and water quality regulations, and the cost of regulatory compliance. Video produced by Melissa Fischer.

Panel Presentation Script

Script written by Zephyr based on speaker interviews conducted by Fischer. Final content reviewed and vetted by every speaker.

(click on the image to download)

CBA Symposium Case Study Script-Nov 17

Tulare Lake Compost

August 26, 2015

Produced in 2015 by Tulare Lake Compost (TLC), a facility owned and operated by the Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts. Co-written and co-produced by Zephyr,

TLC Supervising Engineer, and Richard Kish, TLC Superintendent.

One Million Ton Celebration

Inland Empire Regional Composting Authority

August 19, 2015


(click on the image to download)

IERCA 1 Million Poem

In celebration of composting their millionth ton of biosolids, this

poem was written and read for the  compost facility workers.

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